
  • Option 1: Single Session – Getting Started

    • Description: One-hour introductory session to help you begin your homeschooling journey with confidence.

    ·      You will receive:

    ·      Transcript of the session

    ·      Audio recording of our conversation

    • Note: This session is not credited toward the 12-week consulting package if you choose to book it later.


    US$195 to be prepaid

    Please read and sign the Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions here.

  • Option 2: Three-Month (12-Week) Comprehensive Consulting Package

    Option 2: Three-Month (12-Week) Comprehensive Consulting Package

    Step One: Pre-qualification call (15min)

    • Purpose: Assess your needs and discuss the consulting process. I need to agree to proceed to Step Two

    Step Two: Once I agree we are a good fit, client agrees to the following:

    ·      Package Inclusions* see below

    ·      Read the Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions

    ·      Sign the agreement

    Step Three: Book the starting date

    *Package Inclusions:

    1.       Monthly Sessions

    • One in-depth session per month for focused discussions on a key topic or obstacle.

    2.       Pre-Session Questionnaire

    • Sent one week before each session to outline successes, challenges and discussion points from previous sessions.

    3.       Weekly Email Check-Ins (Month 1)

    • Ongoing support via email to address questions and track progress during the first month.

    4.       Fortnightly Email Check-Ins (Months 2 and 3)

    • Regular email check-ins every two weeks during the second and third months to field queries, offer advice, answer questions and guide progress.

    5.       Wrap-Up Call (30 Minutes)

    • A final session to review your progress and set future goals.

    Optional Add-Ons:

    • Extra Consulting Calls within the three month package: price on application.

    • Additional Consulting after 12 Week Package: price on application.

    ·      A bespoke service is available on application.

    Client Expectations for Option Two

    At the conclusion of this time, the client should show proficiency in their “why” and “what” of homeschooling, and greater confidence in their “how”. `

    You will receive:

    ·      Transcripts of our meetings

    ·      Audio of our conversations

    ·      Email trail

    ·      Digest of points made in each session

    ·      Action items


    Total Package Price: US$3,800

    Special Package Price: US$3,100 (prepay in full)

    Or, 50% pre-pay, 50% on week seven: US$1900 x 2.

    Ready to Start?

    Contact Christine today to schedule your pre-qualification call and begin creating a tailored homeschooling plan for your family.



    Please read and sign the Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions here.